Ready to get creative and discover the exciting world of aviation careers? Join our poster competition and let your imagination take flight!

Our mission is simple: Inspire your peers to dream big and explore the boundless opportunities available in the aviation sector. From pilots to engineers, air traffic controllers to cabin crew, the sky’s the limit when it comes to envisioning a future in aviation.
Our challenge to students: Create a poster to inspire young people to consider careers in aviation and explore the boundless possibilities of the skies.
Explore the world of aviation careers and share your insights:
· Reflect on various aviation jobs you’ve encountered in our sessions or through your own research.
· Identify the roles you find most captivating or intriguing for someone your age.
Craft a compelling pitch to your peers:
· How would you persuade your friends to consider a career in aviation?
· Consider what aspects of a future career appeal most to young people: financial rewards, global exploration, helping make the world more green, challenge, prestige, and more.

Embrace diversity in your vision:
· Celebrate the diverse range of individuals who contribute to aviation.
· Illustrate people from different backgrounds and walks of life
Mediums to explore:
· Get creative with digital design, hand-drawn sketches, painting, collage, or any other medium you prefer.

Remember to include your name on the front of your entry!
Judging Criteria
a. Relevance (30%): How well does the poster encourage young people to consider a career in aviation, regardless of their gender or background?
b. Creativity (30%): How original and innovative is the expression of diversity and inclusion within the aviation sector?
c. Visual Impact (20%): Does the design effectively capture attention and convey a compelling message?
d. Artistic Expression (20%): How skillfully does the poster utilise chosen mediums to convey its intended message and evoke emotion or inspiration?
There will be two competition rounds. Entries must be received no later than:
· Friday 24 May 2024 for 1st Competition Round (March to June period)
· Friday 29 November 2024 for the 2nd Competition Round (September to November period)
· 1st place – A certificate, £50 Amazon voucher and a mini drone
· 3 Highly commended prizes – A certificate and £30 Amazon voucher
· Best school entry – A certificate for best school entry will be awarded to the school judged to have the best entries from a whole class or year group and awarded a £200 voucher of their choice (which can be used on any activity to encourage teamwork, creativity or celebration of achievements)
All winners will have their entries showcased in an online gallery on the Inspiring the Future website, with highlights displayed in our social media channels.
Submitting Entries Online
Thank you for participating in our Inspiring Aviation Poster Competition! To submit your entries online, please follow the steps outlined below. Please note that only teachers should submit entries.
Step 1: Naming Your Files
Before submitting, ensure each of your pupils’ files is named according to the following format: school name, local authority, pupil initial and surname e.g. StBedeSchool Bristol CBaker
Step 2: Completing the Form
Fill out your school details in the form provided below.
Step 3: Uploading Your Entries
Drag and drop all your pupils’ entries into the box. Select ‘Enter!’ to finalise your submission. For non-digital entries, please ensure high quality scans or photos of the pupil’s artwork individually. Make sure that each artwork has the name of the pupil written on it and is visible in the photo. For digital entries, please upload in jpg or pdf format.
General Guidance:
· Submit entries from a computer rather than a mobile device for optimal performance.
· For multiple entries, consider compressing them into a ZIP file or submitting in batches of up to 20 entries each.
· Ensure the total size of your upload does not exceed 120 MB.
· Be patient during the uploading process, especially for large files or multiple submissions. Please do not close your browser window until you are redirected to the next screen.
Opting into the Online Gallery:
If you wish to have your pupils’ entries displayed in our online gallery, please select the appropriate tick box. If not, simply leave it unchecked.
Thank you for your participation and best of luck to all participants!
Inspiring Aviation Competition Key stage 3 and 4
Submit your competition entries for the KS3&4 Inspiring Aviation Competition