Meet our primary ambassadors

We are proud of the thousands of teachers across the country who make up our community. Our teacher ambassadors are members of our community who share ideas, resources and advice and help us ensure that our programme works for the people who use it.

Meet our ambassadors and hear how they make the most of Primary Futures in their schools.

If you’d like to become a teacher ambassador, please contact

Dee Chamberlain

Teacher and computing coordinator at St Gregory’s RC Primary School, Preston

Amanda Dodd

Headteacher at Culcheth Primary School, Warrington

Alex Feldman

Assistant Headteacher at Dairy Meadow Primary and Nursery School, west London

Deborah Harrison

Teacher and Community Engagement Leader at South Parade Primary School, Wakefield

Carol May

Principal at Danesholme Infant Academy, Corby

Liam Murphy

Assistant Headteacher at Crosshall Junior School, Cambridgeshire

John Snell

Headteacher at Welton Primary School, Somerset